Musical Director

Mary Mamer

Mary Mamer is the Director of the Oregon Coast Chorus.  Mary originally joined Sweet Adelines International in January of 1998.  "I attended a Christmas Chorus not really konwing what I was getting into and fell in love with the music and the people.  It's one of those things that I wish I had known about sooner in my life."  After 5 years as a member of a small chorus in Wisconsin she moved back to Oregon for semi retirement and joined the Oregon Coast Chorus.  One of the wonderful things about this organization is the fact that it is world wide.  "I was able to make contact with a local member before we even left the midwest and joined them within 2 weeks of arriving in Newport."  

While her background was in Nursing and she has no formal musical education, she has participated in multiple Educational events sponsored by the International Organization and Region 12 of SAI.  For 7 years she was also a member of the Pride of Portland Chorus, a competitive chorus that was in the top 10 choruses internationally.  Being a member in two choruses was challenging but the opportunity to sing with a top level chorus was exciting and helped to develop her skills in barbershop singing.  

"Becoming director of this chorus is the next challenge for me.  I started working on the Director Cerification program offered by SAI and hope to become a certified director.  The program is challenging but there is so much to learn that will benefit this chorus."   She believes that anyone can learn to sing and being part of this chorus will encourage individual growth.  "My job as Director is not only to lead the members in song, but to help them develop their vocal skils and have fun at the same time". 

Her advice?  "Don't wait to join this group or any singing group.  There are so many benefits to be part of a singing group."  You may contact her at
Copyright © 2025 Oregon Coast Chorus